Monday, March 30, 2009

HRP activist killed in Kampong Cham

Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Local news media reported that the president of the HRP party in Kandol Chrum commune, Ponhea Krek district, Kampong Cham province, was ambushed and shot 4 times by two robbers who fled with his motorcycle while he was driving his aunt back from the pagoda to their village in Kauk Rovieng. The Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper reported that the shooting took place on 27 March 2009. Sim Net, the 48-year-old victim, was ambushed by robbers while he was traveling back home in Kauk Rovieng from a function at the Tany pagoda. The commander of the military police in Ponhea Krek district said that Sim Net was the president of the HRP party in Kandol Chrum commune. A group of 2 thieves driving a Honda C125 motorcycle cornered the victim and pushed him to the sidewalk, they then pulled out a handgun and shot the victim who fell to the ground and died. The robbers then fled with the victim’s motorcycle. The police said that it is investigating into this case in order to find the identity of the two robbers. However, Kem Sokha, HRP President, told RFA that his party has not yet determined the cause of the shooting and killing of Sim Net, but he was a very active HRP party member and he was very popular in the region.

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