Friday, November 7, 2008

The Economic Institute of Cambodia

The Economic Institute of Cambodia is an independent think-tank which provides essential information and a thorough insight into Cambodia’s socio-economic development.

EIC bases itself on presenting reliable, accurate and research-based data and analysis of the country’s economic trends to participate in the formulation of sustainable economic development policies and strategies for Cambodia.

EIC has three main publications: Economic Review, Cambodia Economic Watch, and Annual Special Report.

Latest Publications: ▪
Economic Review Volume 4 No.3

▪ Cambodia Economic Watch 7
▪ Cambodia Agriculture Development
▪ Other Publications

Addressing the Impact of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) Expiration on Cambodia

EIC, with support from the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF), and in cooperation with Singapore Management University (SMU), held a workshop on “Capital Market Development in Cambodia: Lessons Learned from some Asian Countries” on May 30-31, 2007, aiming at discussing major constraints and looking for proper ways toward successful establishment of capital market in Cambodia.


  1. all of these are good document na , brother
    that is good you share to all people around the world know it

  2. that this the funny story of u. ពិតជាពូកែឆាកកំប្លែងបងឯង។ ប្រយ័ត្នណា!
